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Being filled with 22 things

The golden lampstand had 22 bowls, like almonds. These cups represent fullness or fullness; they are natural fruits of the first fruits for God, and they are all within the government of God.

In Ephesians 1:23, the Lord is the one who fills all members of the Body with every spiritual gift and all grace and blessing.

22 things we must be filled with

The golden lampstand had 22 bowls like almonds. These cups represent fullness, they are natural fruits of the firstfruits for God and they are all within the government of God.

In Ephesians 1:23, the Lord is the one who fills all members of the Body with every spiritual gift and all grace and blessing.

The Greek verb is pleroo, to fill, the nouns pleres and pleroma indicate fullness.

Ephesians 4:10 the verb fulfill is the same in Greek as fill.

Philippians 4:19 also the verb will supply is the same as will fill.

Colossians 2:10 In Him you are fulfilled, that is, filled, in our spirit.

John 1:16 of His Fullness, we take for the life of the soul.

1.    Filled with the Holy Spirit. Acts. 2:4; 4:31; Eph. 5:18.

2.    Full of wisdom. Ex. 28:3; 35:35; Lk. 2:40; Acts. 6:3.

3.    Full of joy. Acts. 13:52; II Ti. 1:4; Acts. 2:28. Joy is the movement of the spirit that takes pleasure in the possession or hope of goods.

4.    Full of goodness. Ro. 15:14; II Thes. 1:11.

5.    Full of all knowledge. Ro. 15:14.

6.    Full of consolation. II Cor. 7:4.

7.    Full of fruits of righteousness. Phil. 1:11.

8.    Full of power, power. Acts. 6:8; My Q. 3:8.

9.    Full of grace. Jn. 1:14; Acts. 6:8.

10.    Full of truth. Jn. 1:14.

11.    Full of faith. Acts. 6:5; 11:24.

12.    Full of good works. Acts. 9:36.

13.    Full of alms. Acts. 9:36.

14.    Full of light. Lk. 11:34-36.

15.    Full of the knowledge of his will. Col. 1:9.

16.    Full of maintenance, food. Acts. 14:17; Ps. 104:28.

17.    Full of joy. Acts. 14:17; Ps. 21:6; 126:2. Joy is the pleasant and lively movement of the spirit for some reason, and sometimes without cause, it manifests itself with external signs.

18.    Full of peace. Ro. 15:3.

19.    Full of good. Ps. 107:9; Lk. 1:53.

20.    Full of the blessing of the gospel of Christ. Ro. 15:29.

21.    Complete, full of everything God wants. Col. 4:12.

22.    Filled with all the fullness of God. Eph. 3:19. Know the love of God

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